Everything You Need To Know About Your Skin’s Day/Night Habits

From the moment you wake up to the time you get your beauty sleep, your skin really takes a hit throughout the day. It seems like our skin – our largest organ of the body – can’t get a break from daily toxins, pollutants and stresses. But what exactly is happening to our dermis when we are busy running errands and downing vats of coffee? We have outlined below the ins and outs of your skin’s daily and nightly schedule so you can understand the science of your skin and take precautions to avoid skin damage. 

What happens to your skin throughout the day? 

After you’ve hopefully gotten your 7-8 hours of good sleep, you are ready to battle your day. You have energy to take on your to-do list and it’s time to venture into free radical city. This is about the time when your skin starts doing a very specific job: protecting your body from UV exposure, moisture loss, pollution, extreme temperatures, and blocking aggressors from entering. You might also notice your skin looking the best in the morning, and this is because your skin gets thicker in the morning as it prepares to protect against the day’s stressors. 

As soon as you step out of your house, UV light starts to prey on your skin. UV light starts to cause an increase in melanin production which leads to pigment changes and darker color. This unfortunately has the propensity to counteract any retinoids that help fade age spots which is why it’s suggested to apply these creams at night, so the products can effectively do what they are designed to do. 

Skin sebum (oil) excretion also starts to peak at midday, which means it’s very normal to experience that lunchtime shininess at the office. You also tend to lose more water in the skin towards midday and into the night, also known as transepidermal water loss - a natural process where your skin loses water to the surrounding air through evaporation. This is also why it’s important to replenish your skin with moisturizer in the evening and drink tons of water throughout the day. 

What happens to the skin while you sleep? 

It’s truly important you get your 7-8 hour beauty sleep at night. The amount of sleep you get not only affects your cortisol levels but also puts your skin into a pro-inflammatory state, which has the capacity to make your skin look sullen with eye puffiness. Basically, at night your skin switches from “protect” mode to “repair” mode thanks to your body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) and gives your skin the chance to recover from the day’s stresses. Your skin goes through much of its restoration and skin cell regeneration in the evening and does so faster at this hour. While your skin regenerates, collagen is also being produced which is responsible for helping your skin keep its volume and elasticity. There is also more blood flow happening when you sleep, which delivers the nutrients it needs to recover from a day of exposure to the elements. The evening is truly the perfect time for your skin to rest and rejuvenate. 

What are some good tips/products to combat daily stressors?

Although it’s impossible to get a completely foolproof regimen to counteract the day’s stressors, you can absolutely diminish the effects. Here are some ways to get that morning glow lasting longer throughout the day to help your skin remain protected: 

1. Antioxidants - these free-radical fighting skincare additions help protect your skin against environmental aggressors and the damaging effects of UV radiation.

2. Sunscreen - this is your front line protection against damaging UV rays that leads to noticeable signs of aging – AKA photoaging. Make sure you reapply throughout the day. We recommend reapplying every two hours.

3. Moisturizer - your skin is going through constant changes throughout the day, so having a powerful moisturizer to top off your evening regimen is essential for morning radiance. When you sleep, your skin also becomes slightly hotter and more acidic contributing to dry skin, which is why dermatologists recommend putting a heavier cream on at night. We recommend Overnight Beauty’s, A Cream Come True, which is not only a powerful night cream but also comes packed with glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, and vitamins B5, C, and E. 

Taking care of your skin requires awareness and good habits. Knowing what your skin is up against is the first step to addressing any issues. As you can see your skin goes through a lot in the morning, afternoon, and evening but it doesn’t need too much from you. Hydration, good skincare products and ingredients can go a long way.